The CMS has very specific paperwork and worksheets that must be completed with accurate data to fully comply and receive payments for Medicare patients. The S-10 worksheet is vital to improving Medicare compensation as it contains information identifying uncompensated care payments. Form S-10 has been slightly controversial in nature as the CMS has put of using this data because of variances from provider to provider since 2014. The CMS proposes to use data from the FY2014 for the year 2018. So how can past Form S-10’s help you now? According to Medicaid, DSH, or Disproportionate Share Hospital, payments are required by federal law to be paid by state Medicaid programs. These payments are for Medicaid patients as well as uninsured individuals.
Issues with past Form S-10 usage
How Form S-10 has changed
While the use of Form S-10 for DSH payments is still in the proposal stages, it does appear that the form will be utilized once again. R-C Healthcare Management knows the kind of dedication and hard work you put into caring for patients. Let us help you with the data reporting including Form S-10. We go to work for you so you can do your best for all of those you treat. Contact R-C Healthcare Management for more information about how we can serve you.